Animal Communication FAQs
I connect with all animals remotely.
I don’t need to physically meet your animal to communicate with them.
I will need some basic information the includes your animal's name, age, and up to 3 pictures of your pet.
The form you use to book your session will detail everything. It takes about a minute to fill out.
I communicate with animals alive and those that have passed, too.
An animal communication session involves me psychically connecting with your animal friend beforehand. I will then relay what your animal said to you when we meet.
I always invite the animals to show up during our session. Sometimes they do. Sometimes they don’t. It’s their call.
- Be open to the experience. When we (people) are open to communication, our animals tend to be able to communicate with us better.
- Be sure you are in a quite space for your reading.
Please do. You can include your questions in the intake form when you book your session.
Frequently, our animal friends will answer the questions. However, there are times when they have their own agenda and will go down a path you may not suspect.
My role in the session is similar to an interpreter.
Your animal friend will tell me something and my role is to present that information to you. I am simply the facilitator of the communication. The monkey in the middle, if you will (pun 100% intended).
Animals typically communicate with me by telling me something, showing me something, or having me feel something they are communicating.
I have no idea what they will say before I connect with them.